Manos: The Hands of Fate

As a six year old child,  I played Debbie, the child star in Manos: The Hands of Fate.  My dad Tom Neyman played the lead role of The Master and  of Creative Director, making all the props and artwork while mom designed and sewed the iconic Masters Robe and wrestling wives ethereal gauzy gowns.  Our family pet, Shanka the Doberman was cast a role as The Master’s evil dog 

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Manos: The Hands of Fate is a 1966 El Paso, Texas horror movie often taught in film classes as “Everything not to do in filmmaking”, from the camera work, editing, direction, script, acting and nearly everything else. It is one of the most notably inept films in existence and yet it’s certain charm has captured and held a fervent fan base since a public debut on Mystery Science Theater 3000 in 1993 and has inspired a wide range of talented projects over the years.  

Although the film became famous for its ineptitude, there was a lot of creativity, intention and talent behind some of the individuals and I became a product of that creative drive. I have supported my life as an artist since my mid 20’s exploring and growing through mediums from visual art, acting, writing, and teaching.  Welcome to my world. 

You can watch these interviews to learn more about me:

You can read more about me and Manos on my press kit:

Manos merchandise!

Scroll through this Dumb store. Lots of fun Manos stuff

Interested in a Masters robe for yourself or your family pet? A few other Manos things here as well.